Clean Methanol Supply

Expression of Interest

StormFisher Hydrogen e-MethanolStormFisher Hydrogen e-Methanol

StormFisher Hydrogen invites maritime, refining, petrochemical, aviation, and other parties that are interested in:

  • Meeting their decarbonization and sustainability targets
  • Complying with regulatory requirements such as FuelEU and International Maritime Organization
  • Partnering with StormFisher Hydrogen in the downstream supply chain
  • Reducing scope 3 emissions for packaging, wood product, plastic, upstream supply chain decarbonization and other applications
  • Learning more about clean methanol supply

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StormFisher Hydrogen track record of success.

Meet Your Energy Transition Needs with StormFisher Hydrogen’s Clean Methanol

Marine operators and chemical manufacturers need clean methanol to meet their decarbonization goals while maintaining a competitive edge in their core businesses. Sourcing clean methanol from the United States is a cost-competitive, turn-key solution, leveraging existing supply chain infrastructure.

StormFisher Hydrogen is a clean fuel producer that supplies hard-to-abate sectors with clean fuel across the industrial, chemical and transportation sectors.

StormFisher Hydrogen is developing a 125,000 tonnes per annum clean methanol facility in north Texas. This low-cost clean methanol is produced combining green hydrogen produced from renewable electricity and biogenic net-zero carbon dioxide. HINICIO, an expert hydrogen and derivatives consulting firm, has assessed and validated that the clean methanol complies with the following:

  • IRA 45V Guidance
  • RED III RFNBO Requirements
  • ISCC-PLUS Certification
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